William Morris was the single most famous and influential designer of the Arts & Crafts Movement. Under his direction, Morris & Co. grew into a flourishing and fashionable firm renowned for its wallpapers and textiles and the company’s designs have never been more widely appreciated than they are right now. Owned by UK based international luxury interior furnishings group, Walker Greenbank PLC, Morris & Co. is a global lifestyle brand offering authentic versions of William Morris’ designs along with new interpretations.
Licenses: Furniture, Performance Fabric, Floor Coverings, Decorative Fabric, Wall Art

William Morris was the single most famous and influential designer of the Arts & Crafts Movement. Under his direction, Morris & Co. grew into a flourishing and fashionable firm renowned for its wallpapers and textiles and the company’s designs have never been more widely appreciated than they are right now. Owned by UK based international luxury interior furnishings group, Walker Greenbank PLC, Morris & Co. is a global lifestyle brand offering authentic versions of William Morris’ designs along with new interpretations.
Licenses: Furniture, Performance Fabric, Floor Coverings, Decorative Fabric, Wall Art, Tile